Summary: Walter Langkowski begins to actually set about his experiment into motion after recalling how he was inspired to transform himself into a new gamma being by his old friend and college roommate Bruce Banner, who was transformed into the Hulk. Walt is all prepared for the experiment. However something goes wrong, and when it is over, Walt has transformed into an orange furry monster! Unable to control the being he has become, Walt destroys some of his laboratory, and heads out into the Arctic Circle. When Walt does not do his usual daily respond, Mac sends Snowbird to the lab to see if anything had gone wrong. Narya finds tracks, and follows them, recalling how she warned Mac and Walt about setting the lab in the Arctic Circle due to the barriers containing the Great Beasts. After five hundred miles have been covered, Snowbird comes across Walt lying naked and near dead in the snow. She wakes him and flies him to the nearest hospital. Mac and Michael Twoyoungmen meet with Walt, and after he is rested they discuss what happened. They are all somewhat surprised at how Walt became an orange creature not green like gamma radiation should have made him, and conclude that there must have been interference from something. Snowbird arrives and informs Walt that she will help him wrest control of the beast he now becomes, and Mac tells him that he would like him at his side should he be called on again to recapture Wolverine. Walt agrees, and takes the appropriate code name of Sasquatch.