Summary: The Legend of Kamui #9 A complex tale of freedom, intrigue, murder, loyalty, and betrayal in 17th century Japan A genuine ninja story by Akame Productions, Sanpei Shirato author
Summary: I adore the Urusei Yatsura series--it is one of the first manga I ever read! The characters are well-developed (at least the main ones are), the stories are hilarious, the art is to die for, and each subsequent book proves that Rumiko Takahashi is a genius. If you haven't read this series, I suggest you do so as soon as possible!
Summary: I adore the Urusei Yatsura series--it is one of the first manga I ever read! The characters are well-developed (at least the main ones are), the stories are hilarious, the art is to die for, and each subsequent book proves that Rumiko Takahashi is a genius. If you haven't read this series, I suggest you do so as soon as possible!